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Rise Up! 52-week Photo Challenge with Shelley Paulson - week 26 to 30

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

We are now at week 35, so I'm catching up 👍🏼

Week 26 : Panoramic

This was not my favorite challenge. Also because my computer was all packed (this was 4 days before our move) and photoshop on the iPad is not as good as it is on the computer. And I don't really like panoramic photos anyway. I might've been happier if I were already in Switzerland for this challenge but alas 🤷🏻‍♀️

I knew I was going to miss my slice of heaven very much so I decided to dedicate this challenge to it.

The big white barn is the indoor arena of our farm, which we sold last November. The other 3 barns are on the property we live on now.

I was a little cheeky and had my daughter posing in all the images. And one of our barn cats wanted to be in two of them .

This panorama consists of 4 images, put together in PS mobile, which was a learning process bc I never used it before.

Panoramabild des Hinterhofs mit alten Scheunen

Week 27 : Tiny

For this challenge, we had finally moved to Switzerland and living in an Airbnb.

A heavy storm rolled in the night I took the photo. Everything was still a bit unreal and unsettling and I felt pretty tiny in these mountains. I'm sure the bird did not care very much as he seemed to enjoy riding on the wind.

I choose black/white because I was working in LR mobile and wasn't familiar with it. I could not get the image to look the way I wanted it to.

Naturfotografie Sturm in den Schweizer Bergen
1/400 ISO125 f2.8

Week 28 : Favorite Place

Now this one was a hard one for me. Having just moved oversees, living in temporary housing, having had to give up my horse farm and horses, I was feeling completely displaced, uprooted, with no idea what my favorite place could be.

So I decided to literally take my favorite place at that moment. Which was the front steps of our Airbnb.

This is by far my least favorite entry in this entire challenge up until now. It was just the wrong time I guess.

Abstraktes Fotografielicht auf Treppen
1/3200 ISO400 f4.5

Week 29 : Water

This was a streak keeper because I hadn’t had much time that week. We moved into the permanent house, had to run around for administrative stuff, had a lot of shopping to do, …

Oh and an emergency room visit for our daughter!

All that mostly in German, which we understand a bit but hardly speak.

Anyway, we had this view when driving home from the photoSCHWEIZ exhibition. Water in the broad sense?

nature photography rainbow and clouds over highway

Week 30 : Panning

I loved this challenge. I apparently it showed because this image was chosen to be the banner for the week in the Facebook group.

In between unpacking I had our daughter go back and forth on her longboard on the road in front of our house. Luckily, despite being in the middle of a village, it's pretty quiet. Because she went back and forth a lot . Panning is not something I had done before, so I had to play around a little with the settings.

I had a hard time choosing between BW and color. I decided to go with BW bc the color of the flowers at the window sills was distracting.

Strassenfotografie Mädchen auf Longboard
1/40 ISO31 f2.8

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©Caroline Nijs Photography - Pferdefotografie Schweiz 2022. No right is given to save or download any images or components of this site unless written permission is granted by Caroline Nijs Photography. Licensing for use can be arranged.


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